First NASCENT Summer School, 3-7 September 2007, London

First NASCENT Summer School, September 2007As part of the training and networking activities of the NASCENT Network, Queen Mary hosted the first Summer School and International Meeting. On the 3rd of September 2007 twenty two PhD students and post docs (also known to the EU as ESR and ER - early stage researchers and experienced researchers) arrived at the Mile End campus for a week of training activities. The programme included scientific lectures by Dr Marina Resmini, Dr Mike Watkinson, Dr Ali Zarbakhsh from SBCS as well as a one day of ‘molecular modelling in molecular imprinting’ held by Dr. Kal Karim from Cranfield University. These were complemented by three afternoon sessions held by ESD, under the experienced team led by Dr. Cara Owens. The researchers were divided into four teams and assigned a project to work on, that ‘required’ numerous and long hours spent in the evening at the local pub, or outside the curve during the lunch break. This team building exercise proved very successful and all the teams gave a fantastic presentation on the Friday afternoon in front of a very critical panel. Davide Carboni, Ania Servant, Rita Jorge and Kevin Flavin, all members of the MR research group, proved to be terrific hosts, spending every evening with the participants, providing local information and showing them around the local Mile End area.

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