Dr Silvia Piperno

Dr Silvia Piperno Silvia was born in Rome (Italy), where she still lives, in the 1976. Although, during the High school period she studied Latin and classical Greek to approach her origins, since she was child she has an intense passion for the science.

After the high school she enrolled to Physic faculty in the “Roma Tre“ University in Rome. She got the Laura degree in 2003. The topic of the thesis was the realization and characterization of new structure of thin film transistor (TFT). She studied in particular the silicon crystallization by laser. The thesis was carried out in the Lab of Dr. G. Fortunato in the CNR laboratory.

She began her PhD in 2003 at the university of L’Aquila, a nice city near Rome, in the lab of prof. S. Santucci. There, she worked to the synthesis and characterization of organic and inorganic nanofibers growth by electrospinning. She got the PhD degree in February 2007.during the PhD, she spent 5 months in the Weizmann Institute in Israel, where she studied the mechanical properties of crysotile nanotubes. These two work experiences have allowed Silvia to get a background in the field of semiconductor and organic material, to acquire experience about the technique of micro-fabrication in clean room and electrochemical method to growth nanofibers like as to learn the spectroscopy technique for the morphological, structural and chemical characterization.

The laurea and PhD work of Silvia have produced several publications.

At the beginning of July Silvia, will join the Dr. Levi Gheber’s group at Ben Gurion University.

Contact details:
Department of Biotechnology Engineering
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
P.O.Box 653
Beer-Sheva, 84105
Email: spiperno@gmail.com
URL:http://www.bgu.ac.il/~glevi/website [new window]

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