Dr Sami Bayoudh POLYINTELL is a private company, founded in July 2004 based of skill of successful Scientifics in Rouen (France). Thanks to its innovations, POLYINTELL is the winner of the Contest of Innovative and Technological Companies of the French Ministry of Research & Technology and the ESF. POLYINTELL was awarded for the third Special Prize of the national jury of the Contest of Innovative and Technological Companies of the French Ministry of Research & Technology.

We have special competency on the development of innovative polymers for applications in life and pharmaceutical sciences.

AFFINIMIP™ are molecularly imprinted polymers. These new polymeric materials are able to mimic the selective binding sites of antibodies and enzymes. AFFINIMIP™ have comparable selectivity to immuno-sorbent with the advantage of thermal and chemical stability.

AFFINIMIP™ can be prepared in several formats:

  • monolith or polymer block
  • powder with desired size ranges
  • nano-particles
  • attached to surface
  • In situ
AFFINIMIP™ bring the solution for selective extraction, separation and specific clean-up of closely related molecules including enantiomers. HYDROIntelligent™ are tailor-made smart polymers:
  • Chemical or physical hydrogels
  • Stimuli-responsive polymers: their structure and physical properties can change in response to external signals and environmental conditions such as pH, temperature and chemical changes
  • Functional and smart coatings
Our organisation relies on a strong in-house know-how and scientific expertise: organic chemistry, analytical chemistry and polymer chemistry combined with reactivity and flexibility, to tackle new technological challenges. We have different partnership with leading scientists from European research centre.

email: contact@polyintell.com [new window]
Website: http://www.polyintell.com/index_uk.htm [new window]

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